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Borderlands Archives Cartography’s (BAC) data is organized by historical periods that dictate the selection of states, regions, cities and counties to be considered as part of the borderlands. Presently, BAC considers nineteenth century newspapers from the entire states and twentieth century newspapers are selected based on border cities from both sides. This is due to the fact that the U.S.-Mexico border went over a geographical and political transition that established what is now the current division line. It is important to notice that BAC’s historical periods are subject to change as the project evolves.


Current historical periods:

            Period one (Colonial) covers the years 1808 to 1846

            Period two (Mexican American War) extends from 1847 to 1854

            Period three (Transition to the current division line) runs from 1855 to 1930

Nineteenth century:

            Includes newspapers from the entire states.

            1) U.S. border states include California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

                *Louisiana (1808-1819) see period one historical information.       

            2) Mexico border states include Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila,

                Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.

Twentieth century:

            Includes newspapers from the cities and counties located along the current division                    line from the states listed above.  


The information is categorized by: newspaper title, location, address, latitude, longitude, number of issues available, years of publication, language, editor/s name, source, and historical periods.


Period One: Colonial 1808 to 1846

Period Two: Mexican American War 1847-1854

Period Three: Transition to the current division line 1855-1930



Do you have information of a newspaper that is not in the map? You can add the information to BAC's data and help to visualize the newspaper. Follow the link below and add the information. You can also download it and use it for your projects or research!

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